◎Application Requirements:
Section (1) Movies promoting the spread of SDGs: Within 60 seconds
Movies that look at SDGs as a whole, or one of the six goals that the 1st awards focus on to promote understanding for the SDGs by portraying specific figures (statistics) and the meanings, issues and matters that need to be resolved regarding those goals.
Section (2) Movies of local activities: Within 3 minutes
Movies that look at one of the six goals that the 1st Creative Awards focus on, regarding domestic or overseas SDGs within regions or spanning different countries. They must portray the initiatives being implemented, and the people involved in resolving the issues, to promote understanding for the SDGs through specific examples of actions taken.
SDGs Creative Award Gold Prize
SDGs Promoting Movie Grand Prix
SDGs Local Action Movie Grand Prix
Daiwa Securities Prize, ANA Prize , Hokkaido Governor Prize, Sapporo City Mayor Prize, JICA Special prize
◎Application requirements:
– The objectives of the movie must be to deepen the viewers’ understanding for the SDGs, promote understanding for the underlying reasons, and rouse interest.
– The movie must be tied to one of the six goals that the 1st Creative Awards focus on.
– Movies submitted in Section (1) must show overseas or domestic figures (statistics) to promote maximum understanding for the social issues. The source of the figures must also be clarified.
– All types of images, from infographics to animation, or actual footage may be used in the movies.
◎Targeted goals:
– Every year, the Creative Awards will narrow down the goals that are to be focused on. The 1st Creative Awards will accept submissions with a focus on the following six goals.
*If you wish to focus on the SDGs themselves, or the SDGs in their entirety, all 17 icons may be used.
*To show the connections between the goals, multiple icons from all six goals may be used (but one main goal must be chosen from where the movie begins and concludes).
– These awards will cover all 17 goals over a three-year period.
Domestic and overseas movie creators and people involved in SDGs initiatives
* Individuals, teams, groups, professionals, and amateurs of any age, sex, profession and nationality
◎Application period:
Saturday, September 1 through Friday, January 10 *Japan time
◎Award ceremony:
Planned for March 9 , 2019 (Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Japan)
◎Screening schedule
August: Begin advertising for submissions
September 1: Begin accepting submissions from general public
January 10: Deadline for submissions
Early February : Screening
Mid- February : Winners notified
March 9: Award ceremony
After April : Movies made available to public
*The winners will be chosen after careful screening